Sunday, January 23, 2011


1968. We lived in Germany. With US Military. Sitting in a movie house on the base in Frankfurt, Germany.Watching setern cartoons and then the image and the man appears.I saw him speak.I knew then he was my hero. Still is and willbe in the future. In the name of Love,Pride!At a young age six we had popcorn. The movie was $1,25. I must have went with my sister. I have a dream. It still burns always....The candle burns on. we added Gandhi and Marx in college.MLK I wept then and I weep now.We still have property issues,poverty,Obama is in the White House.We are still working on racial harmony.The military taught us  experiences, food,relationships,brutality.traveling,flag football, Frankfurt Elementary #1.We traveled all the time. My mother was an adventurer and still is..I want to connect with BobbyMiller. Westudied and made the map of Frankfurt together as his father was taken away for beating his mother. Makes me cry thinking of this....Love you Bro Bobby always.

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